Estancia Park Temporary Closure Notice:
Estancia Park will be closed for the month of March to facilitate necessary repairs and improvements.
Estancia Park Temporary Closure Notice:
Estancia Park will be closed for the month of March to facilitate necessary repairs and improvements.
Location 156 Littlefield Way, Heber, CA
Friday, June; 14, 2024
5:30 pm until 7:30 pm
Jiggs Johnson Park
1171 Bloomfield St.
Heber, CA 92249
Free Snow Cones
Waterslides and Slash Event
For more information call The Heber Public Utility District at
(760) 482-2440
See you then
The Heber Public Utility District will host their Tree Lighting Event on Thursday, December 1st at Tito Huerta Park from 5 pm to 9 pm. The event starts at 5 pm with Live Performances from local clubs, at 6 pm we will light the tree and get ready for Santa's Visit! At 7 pm our Christmas movie will start! Remember to come dressed warmly to enjoy a nice Christmas evening! Food and Craft Vendors will be present!
Please find the applications below if you want to participate as a food or craft vendor.