To submit an Agenda Item complete the Application For Board Agenda Below, Keep in mind that it must be provided by 4:30pm on the Thursday before the holding of the Regular Board Meeting.
Please list below any items you want to discuss with the Board of Directors. In addition, enclose any supporting documentation that is to be considered by the Board of Directors on the day of the meeting. (Por favor indique cualquier artículo o tema que quiera discutir con la mesa directiva. Adicionalmente incluya cualquier documento(s) que quiera que la mesa directiva considere durante la junta):
The Heber Public Utility District requires that supporting documentation for any agenda item be provided by 4:30 p.m. on the Thursday before the holding of the regular board meetings which are held on the third Thursday of every month. In case of a special meeting supporting documentation shall be provided at least 24 hours before the date and time of the special meeting scheduled. Thank you. (Heber Public Utility District requiere que cualquier documentación que se relacione a un artículo de la agenda tiene que ser proveído antes de las 4:30 p.m. el jueves antes de las juntas regulares de la mesa directiva. Las juntas regulares se llevan a cabo el tercer jueves de cada mes. En caso de una junta especial la documentación deberá ser proveida por lo menos 24 horas antes de la fecha y hora de la junta especial. Gracias).
Must be a Heber address/resident
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