Heber Recreation Center
Our Recreation Center was open in July 2021, but we still have some work to do! We have two capital improvement projects planned for the Recreation Center, which will be completed by March 2022.
Thanks to two successful grants from the United Stated Department of Agriculture the Heber Public Utility District will remove and repave the parking lot at our Recreation Center, and construct a patio with shade in the backyard of the Recreation Center.
The Heber Public Utility District was awarded three USDA Grants for additional improvements to the Recreation Center.
The first is to remove and pave the parking lot for a total grant amount of $64,900.
The second is to construct a shaded patio in the backyard of the Recreation center in the amount of $55,932
And the third is to purchase and install computer equipment, cabinets and miscellaneous furniture at the Recreation Center.
We are working with our consulting engineers to prepared the request for bid and will be posting them soon. The Heber Public Utility District anticipates that these projects will be completed by March 2022.
Tree Planting Project
The Heber Public Utility District was successful in securing funding through AB617 Urban Greening and Paving Projects through the Imperial County Air Pollution Control District (APCD). The projects awarded are as follows:
Children’s Park Improvement Project
The Children’s Park Improvement Project includes the construction of a splash pad, new restrooms, new play equipment, and picnic areas. Other improvements include new landscaping and the construction of a walking path from Valley Boulevard to Heber Avenue. This is a major park improvement project with a total project budget of $960,000. The funding for this project was secured through the Statewide Parks Program, California Per Capita Grant, and the Heber Public Utility District.
View Children's Park design plan and features
View Children's Park Photos 06-03-2024