The Townsite of Heber is a small community uniquely situated between the two most populated cities within Imperial County, El Centro and Calexico. Heber is an unincorporated community within Imperial County and partially serviced by the County of Imperial and other public agencies, including a school district and public utility districts.
This Service Area Plan discusses the services currently provided by the Heber Public Utility District, estimates the current and future demand for such facilities and services, and describes how necessary facilities and services will be or may be developed or improved on to meet population demands. Additionally, the Service Area Plan discusses services purveyed by Imperial County and their adequacy based on demand. The intent of the Service Area Plan is to demonstrate the District’s ability to provide adequate services within the sphere of influence boundaries in the event of new development with the District Boundaries or new annexation into the District Boundaries. An approximate 20-year planning period is used to forecast growth and the estimated facility and service demands are based on population projections in five-year increments until 2030.