
Clerk of the Board

Clerk of the Board Header

The Heber Public Utility District Board of Directors meets every month as follows:

Heber Public Utility District Board Meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of every month at 1078 Dogwood Road, Suite 104, Heber, Ca 92249. Meetings are held at 6:00 pm.

The Heber Public Utility District meetings will be held in person, and in accordance with Executive order N-29-20 issued by California Governor Gavin Newsom on March 17, 2020, and the Ralph M. Brown Act. (California Government Code Section 5485950, et Seq.) and the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act.

All Heber Public Utility District meetings will be physically open to the public. All members of the Public may attend the Board meeting in person or via the application Zoom until further notice. The public may also call into the meeting, for audio only participation by calling 1(669) 900-6833 or 1 (760)336-1572. Zoom meeting I.D. Number 796-978-5637. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7969785637 No password is required.

Use the Request for Agenda Item form to submit a request to be added to the Public Comments / Request to Speak to the Board of Directors. The Form can be accessed by clicking on the link in the sidebar. Both the Board Secretary & General Manager will receive an email with your request.

The Heber Public Utility District requires that supporting documentation for any agenda item be provided by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday before the holding of the regular board meetings which are held on the third Thursday of every month. In case of a special meeting supporting documentation shall be provided at least 24 hours before the date and time of the special meeting scheduled.

Heber Public Utility District is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Jacob Bermudez
1078 Dogwood Rd., Ste 103
Heber, CA 92249
Office: (760) 482-2441
Fax:    (760) 353-9951



2025 Resolution/Ordinance

Resolution 2025-01 Facility Use Policies 

Resolution 2025-02 Authorize GM to Sign Grant Applications


2024 Resolution/Ordinance

Resolution 2024-01 Compensation Plan 
Resolution 2024-03 Temporary Extension of Water Service 
Resolution 2024-04 Call of Election 
Resolution 2024-05 Consolidate a District Election 
Resolution 2024-06 Budget 2024-2025
Resolution 2024-07 Compensation Plan
Resolution 2024-08 Terms and Condition of Employment NRTA
Resolution 2024-09 Capital Improvement Plan FY 2024-25
Resolution 2024-10 Reserve Guidelines FY 2024-25
Resolution 2024-11 Resolution to Amend Resolution 2022-21

Resolution 2024-12 Temporary Extension of Water Service 

Resolution 2024-13 General Election Results 

2023 Resolution/Ordinance

Resolution 2023-01 Teleconference Meetings of the Legislative Bodies
Resolution 2023-02 Setting Residential and Commercial Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Rates
Resolution 2023-03 HPUD Facility District Use Policy
Resolution 2023-04 Budget FY 2023-2024
Resolution 2023-05 Salary Schedule FY 2023-2024
Resolution 2023-06 Identifying Surplus Vehicles
Resolution 2023-07 Capital Improvement FY 23-24
Resolution 2023-08 Reserve Guidelines and Budget FY 23-24
Resolution 2023-09 Local Emergency due to Hurricane Hilary
Resolution 2023-10 Updated Salary Schedule FY 2023-2024
Resolution 2023-11 Social Media Policy Update
Resolution 2023-12 Water Extension Sebastian Harvesting

2022 Resolution/Ordinance

Resolution 2022-01 Teleconference Meetings of the Legislative Bodies
Ordinance 2022-01 Organic Waste Disposal Reduction
Resolution 2022-02 Authorizing Applications for all Calrecycle Grants
Resolution 2022-03 Teleconference Meetings of the Legislative Bodies
Resolution 2022-04 Budget 2022-23
Resolution 2022-05 Salary Schedule 2022-23
Resolution 2022-06 Calling and Giving Notice of Election 11.08.2022
Resolution 2022-07 Consolidate District Election 11.08.2022
Resolution 2022-08 Reserve Guidelines and Budget FY 2022-23
Resolution 2022-09 Capital Improvement FY 2022-23
Resolution 2022-10 Teleconference Meetings of the Legislative Bodies
Resolution 2022-11 Amend the Policy Manual to Include the Revised Conflict of Interest Code
Resolution 2022-12 Teleconference Meetings of the Legislative Bodies
Resolution 2022-13 Facility Use Policy 
Resolution 2022-14 Investment of District Funds
Resolution 2022-15 Authorizing Investment of Monies in the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF)
Resolution 2022-16 Modified Reserve Guidelines
Resolution 2022-17 Teleconference Meetings of the Legislative Bodies
Resolution 2022-18 Adopting Ordinance 2022-02
Ordinance 2022-02 Repealing Ordinance 220 of the Codified Ordinances of Heber Public Utility District
Resolution 2022-19 Approving the Amended Agreement between CR&R and HPUD
Resolution 2022-20 HPUD Support of IID Funding Request
Resolution 2022-21 Approving the Submittal of a Grant Application to USDA
Resolution 2022-22 Adopting the Water Shortage Contingency Plan as Mandated by Senate Bill 552
Resolution 2022-23 Modifying Administrative Fees

2021 Resolution/Ordinance

Resolution 2021-01 Cell Phone Purchase
Resolution 2021-02 Statewide Park Development Program Grant
Resolution 2021-03 Budget 2021-22
Resolution 2021-04 Reserve Guidelines and Budget FY 2021-22
Resolution 2021-05 Capital Improvement FY 2021-22
Resolution 2021-06 Salary Schedule
Resolution 2021-07 HPUD Utility District Facility Use Policy
Resolution 2021-08 Modifying Water-Sewer Rates 2021-22 FY
Resolution 2021-09 USDA Community Facilities Loan
Resolution 2021-10 USDA Community Facilities Loan
Resolution 2021-11 USDA Community Facilities Loan
Resolution 2021-12 Remote Teleconference Meetings
Resolution 2021-13 Keenan
Resolution 2021-15 NRTA Contract
Resolution 2021-17 Compensation Plan for Employees FY2021-22

2020 Resolution/Ordinance

Resolution 2020-01 BOD Approving Adoption CalPERS Supplemental Income 457 Plan
Resolution 2020-02 Amending Reserve Guidelines Budget FY 2019-20
Resolution 2020-03 HPUD Amending Policy SB 988
Resolution 2020-04 HPUD Proclaiming Week 5.17 Special Districts Week 
Resolution 2020-05 Strategic Plan 2020 thru 2025
Resolution 2020-07 Calling and Giving Notice of Election 11.03.20
Resolution 2020-08 Consolidate District Election on 11.03.20
Resolution 2020-09 Salary Schedule for HPUD Employees 2020-21 FY
Resolution 2020-10 Adopting Reserve Guidelines Budget FY 2020-21
Resolution 2020-11 Adopting Five Year Capital Improvement FY 2020-21
Resolution 2020-12 Adopting Budget FY 2020-21
Resolution 2020-13 Agreement Between HPUD and NRTA 
Resolution 2020-14 Modifying Water/Sewer Rates FY 2020-2021 Due to COVID-19
Resolution 2020-15 Correcting Error Water & Sewer Rates 2020-21 FY
Resolution 2020-16 Application for Per Capita Grant Funds
Resolution 2020-17 Five Year Capital Improvement 2020-21 FY
Resolution 2020-18 Agreement Between HPUD and NRTA 07.01.19 - 06.30.20
Resolution 2020-19 Amending Policy Manual Include Policy Number 3095 Social Media
Resolution 2020-20 Park Development Program Grant Jiggs Park