
Finance Department

Finance Manager

Payment Drop Boxes are available outside of the office and we pick up the materials twice per day.  You can make payments by dropping off cash, check or money order in the drop boxes, call the office for a credit card payment, or come in for personal service.

Heber Public Utility District is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Finance Manager

Luis Carrazco
1078 Dogwood Rd., Ste 103
Heber, CA 92249
Office: (760) 482-2440
Fax: (760) 353-9951

Accounts Payable/Payroll

Raquel R. Carrillo
Office: (760) 482-2444

Utility Billing/Accounts Receivable

Elizabeth German
Office: (760) 482-2440



Compensation Reports:

State Controller's Government Compensation Reports 

Financial Reports:

CFD2005-1 Annual Reports:


HPUD Water/Sewer Rate Study 2017

Ordinance 2017-1 Water Capacity Fees
Ordinance 2017-2 Sewer Capacity Fees
Ordinance 2017-3 Adopted Water Rates
Ordinance 2017-4 Adopted Wastewater Rates
Modified 2017-18 Water Rates via Budget Resolution 2017-7 Private Fire Lines for Commercial & Temp Hydrant Meter