
Solid Waste

Solid waste is handled through contract with CR&R Waste and Recycling Services

599 East Main Street
El Centro, CA 92243
(877) 482-5656


CR&R Agreements

CR&R Recycling 

Collection services are only on MONDAY'S
BLACK Container
 (for household trash)
GREEN Container (for green yard waste)
BLUE Container (for recycling only)

NOTE: It is very important to take out your waste cart containers a night before: The operators don't have a specific time to do the collection, however it should be one on Monday by the end of the day, if your trash was not collected on Monday, please call CR&R and report it at (877) 482-5656.
If trash collection day falls on one of these holidays, your trash will be picked up the following day.

Holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day

REPORT missing or damage carts to the Heber Public Utility District (760) 482-2440

IMPORTANT: After the collection is done, please place your containers inside your property. Please do not leave the containers on the curb, if they get lost or stolen you will be responsible for any charges.

BULKY ITEMS PICK-UP SERVICES You may arrange a collection by calling Customer Service at 760-482-5656

Items that cannot fit in your carts are considered bulky items. Bulky items must be manageable by a two-person crew.

* Miscellaneous furniture                   * Excessive green waste            * Washer & Dryer

* E-waster                                          * Bundled Cardboard                 * Household appliances             


If you have any questions, please direct all questions to our office @ (877) 482-5656, during regular business hours.


Bulky Item Pick Up Flyer