Tony Sandoval
Contact Info
Phone : 760-482-2440
Email : tsandoval@heber.ca.gov
Master of Business Administration
Bachelor's of Science, Business Management

Tony Sandoval was elected to the HPUD Board of Directors in 2013.  During his tenure HPUD has: completed an upgrade to the wastewater plant, improved the quality of water provided to HPUD residents through a water plant upgrade, implemented discounts in trash services for seniors, installed lights at Tito Huerta Park and Jiggs Johnson Park, built a recreation center, supported youth and adult soccer, softball and baseball programs and expanded recreational activities including movies in the park, easter egg hunts, summer splash events, winter walk activities and Heber's signature Fall Fiesta.

Tony is a graduate of Imperial Valley schools, having attended Southwest High School and earning a Bachelor's of Science degree in Business Management and a Master's of Business Administration degree.  Tony has considerable professional experience and training in project management, business analysis and leadership in both the private and governmental agency areas.  Tony and his wife, Perla, are the proud parents of three children, Andres, Nathan and Melanie.  Tony represents HPUD as the President of the Heber Community Foundation.

Elected Term: November 2022 - November 2026
